Her experiences parallel mine, which is to say, the average scientific meeting shows that there is a lot of room for improvement in poster expertise:
My daughter, a PR major, also attended the meeting. She was, frankly, appalled by the presentation skills (or lack thereof) demonstrated at the sessions.

First of all, dress professionally. This means some sort of suit-like outfit.
My experience is that scientists are almost immune to snappy outfits. This is more true in some fields than others, though. Medical researchers – like you would find at the American Diabetes Association meeting – tend to dress this way. Field biologists tend to be blue jeans kind of people. I’m not going to claim nobody cares, because some do, but most scientists are all about the ideas and data you have, and forget how you’re dressed about 10 second in.
I suggest dressing so that you feel confident and comfortable.
Some people want the “power suit” when they present. That’s what makes them feel confident.
Me? I don’t own a suit or a tie. It would be a disaster if I were to try to present in them. I would be fidgeting and self-conscious the whole time.
It’s like the advice most people get to the question, “How do I get her / him to like me?” when they start dating: “Just be yourself.”
Even at Experimental biology there are enough students presenting for awards who are in suits or business casual wear that you would stick out like a sore thumb in a faded tee from last year's meeting and jeans.
You only get a chance to make one first impression. How do you want to look when you meet your next boss? Cause they may stroll by your poster...
Do I want a boss that judges my skills by whether I wear a suit or not? No.
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